Articles 1 | 2 Parent Endorsements 1 | 2 | 3
Letter from Parent
June, 2013
If you are considering nursery school, preschool or UPK for your child, look no further.
We are approaching the end of our second year at The Learning Tree and we can safely say that enrolling our twins was one of the best decisons we've ever made. When we drop them off in the morning, we have total peace of mind that they are in good hands. We can tell by the atmosphere of the school and the excitement of their faces that the best possible day of learning and social interaction awaits them. When we pick them up in the afternoon, they don't want to leave!
The Learning Tree, led by Mr. Abe and Mr. Brett, has provided a wonderful preschool experience for our twins. The teachers and staff at The Learning Tree are not only at the top of their game, but are like family. We've been lucky to have benefitted from their tireless efforts and loving demeanor, which have made all the difference. As teachers, we understand the challenges of balancing a warm and creative environment with the rigors of meeting standards and staying on task... and we couldn't be happier with the quality of instruction our children received. The twins are so much better prepared for kindergarten (academically and socially) as a result of their two years at The Learning Tree and for that we are eternally grateful. In the book of our life, The Learning Tree has created a most memorable chapter.
We will miss it dearly!
Jason and Nicole Castoro